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Practical Information

Practical information for participants at the conference Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation, 11–12 May 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Download a document with this information and more Pdf, 604.8 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Date and time

11–12 May 2023

Day 1: 9.00–16.00

Day 2: 8.30–14.00



Söder Mälarstrand 29, 7th floor, 118 25 Stockholm, Sweden

Conference language

The conference language is English.


Please contact the Swedish Migration Agency’s press service for accreditation or information.

Telephone: +46 010-485 66 55

Email: press@migrationsverket.se

Registration and accreditation

Registration for the conference is mandatory. Registered participants will receive accreditation badges from the organiser at the event location, Münchenbryggeriet, on the 11 May from 9.00 in the morning. Please arrive in time to allow for registration as the conference starts at 10.00 the first day and at 9.00 the second day of the conference. Coffee and sandwich will be served in connection to the registration.

All accreditation badges are personal and non-transferable. The badges must be worn visibly by the attendees throughout the conference. Should you lose your badge, please inform the conference organisers.

Security and emergency numbers

Smoking is forbidden in all indoor public areas, and also in outdoor dining areas, entrance areas to smoke-free public venues, areas that are meant for using public transportation (like bus stops and train stations), spaces for sport activities and public playgrounds.

Nearest hospital: Södersjukhuset, main entrance address is at Sjukhusbacken 10 and the emergency entrance address is at Sjukhusbacken 12.

Emergency: 112 (information in English about 112 Sweden – SOS Alarm) Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Fire department: 112

Ambulance: 112

Police: 114 14

Contact information

Email: emnSWE2023@migrationsverket.se