Agenda for the conference Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation, 11–12 May 2023 in Stockholm, Sweden.
The panel will make visible the role of climate change in the complex interplay between different drivers of migration. It will provide an inventory of the effects that climate change has on migration and provide examples of situations in which climate change has influenced migration patterns in different parts of the world.
Moderator: Joakim Palme, Chair, Delmi (Delegation for Migration Studies)
Questions and Answers/Moderated discussion
In this panel, speakers will reflect upon the possible longer-term developments regarding migration over greater distances, mainly towards the EMN Member and Observer Countries. Panellists will also reflect upon the difficulties in identifying and forecasting climate-related migration.
Moderator: Bernd Parusel, Senior Researcher, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS)
Questions and Answers/Moderated discussion
This panel will include presentations on how the EMN Member and Observer Countries work on mitigating any identified effects of climate change on migration. The panel will cover different aspects, including preparing contingency plans, possible national humanitarian protection statuses, enhance resilience or help establish new livelihoods in regions affected by climate change. Examples will be given from EMN Member and Observer Countries.
Moderator: Elin Jakobsson, Analyst at FOI (Swedish Defence Research Agency)
Questions and Answers/Moderated discussion
In this panel, speakers will reflect on opportunities to better address the possible effects of climate change on displacement and migration to the EMN Member and Observer Countries. The panel aims at identifying new strategies, policies or other innovative approaches, looking at areas such as legal migration opportunities for work or studies, addressing needs of displaced people, resettlement, humanitarian quotas, sponsorship programmes etc.
Moderator: Camille Le Coz, Senior Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute (MPI) Europe and MPI
Questions and Answers/Moderated discussion