Till EMN:s startsida
Till Migrationsverkets webbplats

Activities and outputs

What does the EMN do?

Firstly, the EMN responds to information needs through specific reports, studies and ad-hoc queries. EMN's main products are annual policy reports on the development of immigration policy, on asylum and migration statistics, and various thematic studies. In addition, the contact points can can put forward questions on specific topics, so-called ad-hoc queries.

Secondly, the EMN collects and documents information in a comparative manner. In order to collect information in a comparative manner and to facilitate structured searching, an EMN Glossary and Thesaurus is developed.

Thirdly, the EMN has the task of establishing a multi-level network to aid its activities. On the European level, EMN NCPs meet regularly, as well as networking and collaborating with other European level institutions and organisations. At national level, each EMN NCP develops a network involving partners within their Member State with expertise in migration and asylum from a wide range of stakeholders in order to have a cross-section of views and information, e.g. from Member State governments, (academic) research community, NGOs.